- Rebranding- but this is when an area creates a new identity for itself for instance the regeneration project of Devonport led to the local council hiring a marketing agency who advised the council to change the identity of Devonport to become a luxury seaside resort.
- Reimaging- the dissociation of negative perceptions about a place
- Regeneration- policies that reverse urban decline
- Meaning- what a place means to someone
- Representation- how a person perceives a place and what asset represents that meaning
The perception of place is important to many stakeholders like potential investors, businesses and local people. Therefore, governments would do as much as they can to maintain outside perception of being a wonderful place to be, so that they can attract inward investment. This can be evidenced in Liverpool, where during the 80s and 90s the decline of coal workers Have led to strikes, which had then transformed into riots and protests. These were recorded in the media, with us outside is had the perception that Liverpool was a dangerous place. Therefore, when it came to regeneration, the place marketing team employed wanted to create a new identity for Liverpool by rebranding it full stop whilst the local people would protest into wanted to preserve the local identity. Therefore, as part of the redevelopment, historical landmarks were in cooperated like the dockyard that is now linked with office spaces and the warehouse that have been converted into museums. These had served as place memory, which allowed perception of the place. Insiders would have an improved relationship with Liverpool and have a stronger connection with the place. In 2008, Liverpool was awarded the capital city of culture.