Ecological footprint- the amount of productive land needed to deal with our food and waste needs to sustain our current lifestyle.
Sustainability- this is using our scarce resources in a way which allows future generations to have the same benefit
Tokyo’s ecological footprint is 147 times itself
Londons ecological footprint is 119 times itself
Dimensions of sustainability:
- Social- this includes childcare, education, healthcare, attitudes to outsiders
- Economic- fair taxes, good pensions, high levels of employment opportunities and worker rights
- Environmental- clean air and water, access to good public parks
- Governance- the right to vote and have free speech
Livability- this is how Liverpool a places and looks at the dimensions of sustainability to make a judgement. The most livable places are found in Canada and Australia
Case study: Copenhagen Denmark
- High taxes, but fair pension and childcare benefits
- Free education and healthcare for its citizens
- Low unemployment rates
- Home to the headquarters or pharmaceutical and biotech companies
- 250 miles of cycle lanes which is used by 80% of commuters
- No more than 98% of the workforce work longer than 40 hours a week
- An entire St dedicated to testing out new ideas and concepts
- In 2001 an offshore wind farm was built which produces 5% of current electricity